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Whether searching for industrial suppliers, manufacturers, or contract manufacturing service providers, The Industrial Marketplace allows you to search and view profiles of the leading industrial-focused companies in North America. Find businesses offering a wide range of products as OEMs, distributors, or contract manufacturers working with various materials, quality specifications, or industries. The listed profiles summarize each company's products, services, location, website, and contact information. Looking to list your business within our database? Submit your industrial business listing here at no cost or obligation.
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Laser cuttingActuatorsAdhesivesAir CoilsAir filtrationAir HammerAir Leak TestingAircraft Componentsalloy steelAluminum Die CastingAluminum Stamping ServicesAluminum Supplierantennasautomation componentsAviationawningsBallistic Glassbar feedersBatteriesbearingsblowersbobbin wound coilsBrass StampingCablecable manufacturercarbon steelcentrifugal pumpschemical machiningCircuit BoardsCleanroom SuppliesCleanroomsclip nutsCNC EquipmentCNC Machining ServicesCNC millingCNC TurningCoating Productscoil heaterscoilscold spraycommercial doorsCompany ProfilesConduitconformal coatingContainersContract Manufacturercontrol valvesConverting ServicesConveying SystemsCopper Stampingcouplingscryogenic deburringCryogenic deflashingCustom Cablecustom casescustom coil assembliescustom machiningcustom magnetscustom pinsCustom Plastic Bagscustom printingCustom ToolingDeburring ServicesDeep Draw StampingDie Casting CompaniesDie-SortingDigital MarketingdisplaysEDM Machineselastic cordelectrical supplyelectromagnetic coilsElectronic Component Manufacturers and Supplierselectronic connectorsElectronic Contract Manufacturerselectronic controlsEMI filtersEMI protectionEOS protectionErgonomic ProductsEvidence LockersExtrusionsfabric productsfactory relocationFansFastener Suppliersfire rated glassFirearms Storagefittingsflat elasticflat wire coilsfluid handling equipmentForged CrankshaftsforkliftsFunnelsFurnacesFurniture PartsGas Handling Equipmentgas ignition controlsGas SystemsGasketsGearboxesGearsglobal sourcingGreenhouse EquipmentGun LockersHard Chrome PlatingHeating SolutionsHeatsinksHigh Speed SpindlesHumidifiersHVAC EquipmentHydraulic Cylindershydroponicsic socketsidentification productsinductorsindustrial cleaningIndustrial CoatingsIndustrial EngineeringIndustrial PumpsIndustrial Sewing SuppliesIndustrial SolventsIndustrial Supplierindustrial suppliesIndustrial Web DesignIndustry Serviceinjection molding heatersInjection Molding Servicesinventory managementInvestment Casting Servicesjanitorial servicesKittinglabelslaser markingLaser TubesLaundry EquipmentLeak DetectorsLeak TestingLED Lightingload cellsLoad scalesmachinery movingMagnetsManifoldsManufacturersMaterial Handlingmedical machiningMedical Product ManufacturerMedical TubingMetal CastingMetal Channelsmetal engravingmetal etchingMetal Fabrication ServicesMetal ForgingMetal FormingMetal profilesmetal recyclingMetal Roll Formingmetal special shapesMetal Stamping ManufacturersMetal SupplierMetal Testingmetering pumpsmicrowave tubesModular BuildingsModular OfficesMold castingnameplatesNickel Alloy SupplierNon-Destructive Testingnylon webbingO-Ringsoffset printersOffshoringOpen Die ForgingOvenspackagingpackaging bagsPackaging EquipmentPaint Mixing Equipmentparylene coatingPCB AssemblyPipe Cameraspiston ringsplant relocationPlastic BagsPlastic Injection MoldingPlastic MachiningPlastic PackagingPlastic TubingPlasticsPlatingPneumatic ComponentsPower Cordspower suppliesPressure RegulatorsPressure Washersprinting equipmentprocessing machineryProductProgressive StampingPromotional ProductsprototypingPump DistributorsPump Manufacturerspump partsRadiation ShieldingResistance Temperature Devices (RTDs)riggingroboticsrubber manufacturingrubber moldingSafety GlovesSafety Productssand castingsanitary pumpsscrap metalscrap metal recyclingscreen printingseal ringsServiceSewer Camerassewer jettersSheet Metal FabricationsignsSolventsSpecialty Alloy SupplierSpringsstainless steel forgingsStainless Steel Stamping ServicesStainless Steel SuppliersstakesStamping Diesstamping pressesSteel SuppliersSteel tube fabricationStorage Tanksstud weldingSupplierSwiss Screw MachiningTarpsTemperature controlstest accessoriesthermal coatingsThermal LabelsThermal ReactorsThermal Spray ServicesthermocouplesThermoplastic MoldingThreading MachinesTitanium SupplierToolstoroid coilstorque limitertransformersTrucking ServicesTube Bendingtube windingTubingUV curingUV EquipmentVacuum SystemsvalvesVending Machinesventing latchesvertical machiningvespel machiningWafer Processingwarehouse automationwarehouse designwarehouse suppliesWasherswastewater treatmentwater coilswater filtrationwater treatmentWeighing ScalesWelding EquipmentWelding ServicesWheelchair ManufacturingWireWire AssembliesWire DesignWire ManufacturingWorkholding Productsxray glass
A&B Machine and Design
A&R Tarpaulins
AAIT Scaffold
Able Label
ACCA Pumps
Accu Chrome Plating and Grinding
Accurate Felt & Gasket
Ace Seal
Acrastrip -US Polychemical Corporation
Action Bags
Advanced Technology Services
Advanced Technology Supply, Inc.
Aero Metals, Inc.
Aetna Plastics
AGB Industries
Aggressive Hydraulics
AGI Automation
Air Logic Power Systems, LLC (ALPS)
Aircraft Fasteners International
Alexander Battery Technologies
All Safety Products
Allison Mechanical, Inc.
Alpha Assembly Solutions
Alpha Omega Swiss
Alpine Electronics
Alro Steel
Alzeta Corporation
America's Finest Labels
American Friction Welding
American Machine & Gundrilling, Inc.
American Metal Testing, Inc.
American Plastics Company
American Scrap Metal
Andersen Industries
AndFel Corporation™
Argus Steel
Arizona Corrugated Container
Arnold Industries, LLC
Arrow Finishing
Artists to Watch
ASB Industries
Asset Liquidity International, Inc.
Assurance Valve Systems
AT Auto Conveyor
ATACO Steel Products
Atlas Fibre
Aztech Converting Systems
Basic Concepts, Inc.
Belleli Doors
Belleville Wire Cloth
Betts HD
BICRON Electronics Company
Blaze Sales & Service Supplies
Blue Ribbon Fastener
BM&M Screening Solutions
Bolt Products Inc.
Bonell Manufacturing Company
Bossard, LLC
Boulden Company
Branom Instrument Company
Brixon Manufacturing
Buffalo Blower
BW Industrial Sales
C&H Technology
C-H Machine
Cal Fasteners
Cam Spray
Can Lines Engineering
Canada Blower Ltd.
Canada Metal North America
Canney’s Water Conditioning
Canton Erectors, Inc.
Capable Controls, Inc.
CapEx Sales
Captive Fastener Corporation
Central Tube and Bar
Ceramic Tileworks
Cestus Armored Gloves
Chapman Electric Supply
Checkers Safety
Cheever Specialty Paper & Film
Cherry's Industrial Equipment
Chery Industrial
Chicago Metal Rolled Products
Cincinnati Test Systems
Cla-Val Pacific
Clean Air Products
Cleanrooms By United
Cline Tool
CMS North America, Inc.
CNC Exchange
CNC Masters
Coastal Detention Holdings, LLC
Coilhose Pneumatics
Commercial Plastics Corp.
Compass & Anvil Sales and Engineering, Inc.
Competitive Metals
Compliance Signs
Compuvac Industries, Inc.
Condenser & Chiller Services
Conference, Inc.
Container Systems, Inc.
Continental Chimney
Continental Girbau
Continental Western Corporation
Control Concepts
Control Design Supply
Control Specialties, Inc.
Crouch Sales
Custom Buttons
Custom Cord & Harness Assemblies, Inc.
Cut Sheet Labels
Cutting Edge Fabrication
Cylinders & Valves, Inc.
D&H Industries
DACO Corporation
Dairyland Equipment of Menahga, Inc.
Daitron Incorporated
Dakota Safety
DECC Company, Inc.
Deeco Metals
Delmar Company
Deluq Offset Printers
Denali Industrial Supply
Design Octaves
Diamond Needle Corp.
Diamond Press Solutions
Diamond-MT Conformal Coating
Die Cut Technologies
Discount Bearings
Douglas Tank Sales
Drumm, Inc.
DUKE Empirical, Inc.
DUKE Extrusion
Dumore Tools
Duo-Tec Tool & Machine Company
Dura Pack
Durex Industries
DW Fastener
Dyco, Inc.
Dynamic Filtration
E-Z Stamp
E-Z Stamp
Eagle Manufacturing Company
EAM-Mosca Strapping Systems
Ebbert Co.
El-Com System Solutions
Elastic Connections Worldwide, Inc.
Elastic Cord & Webbing
Electri-Cord Manufacturing
Elobau Machine Safety Sensors
Elobau Sensor Technology, Inc.
ELSCO Transformers
Empire Bolt & Screw
Engineered Precision Casting Company, Inc. (EPCO)
Engineered Source
English Technical Sales
Environmental Plant Management (EPM)
Envirosafe Fuel Systems
Epco Sales
Equipment Depot
Equipment Group International
ES Electronics
ETEK Services
Extreme Force Valve
Fair Wind Fasteners
Farrat Isolevel Ltd.
Fasco Security Products
Fastco Inc.
Fastener Solutions, Inc
Fasteners Clearing House
Fasteners Etc., Inc.
Fiber-Tech Industries, Inc.
Fire Combat
Fireproof Glass from Ray-Bar Engineering
Firstech Environmental
Flo-Line Technology, Inc.
Flow N Control
Four Star Plastics
FUCHS Lubricant Co.
Gas UK
General Foundry
General Transformer Corporation
Global Elastomeric Products, Inc.
Global Metals USA Inc.
Gordon Brush
Grand Rapids Label
Great Lakes Forge
Great Lakes Minerals, LLC
Greenville Tool & Die
Growers' Goods
Gyrotron Technology, Inc.
H&C Metals
H-M Company
Hampshire Label
Handling Concepts, Inc.
Harvey Vogel Manufacturing
HBR Industries, Inc.
Hendrick Manufacturing Corporation
Hennig Gasket & Seals
Herber Aircraft Service
Herdzco Industrial
Hills a Law, P.C.
HiTech Plastics & Molds
Hospital Facility Services
House of Cans
Hudson Technologies
Hydraulic Cylinders Inc.
Hytech Forming Systems
IBAG North America
IBIS Electro-Products Corp.
IBOCO Corporation
Identification Systems Group
Industrial Machine Lighting
Industrial Metal Supply
Industrial Reports
Industrial Reps
Infinity Laser Engraving Co.
Inland Products
Integrity Fasteners, Inc.
Intercomp Company
Interteck Packaging
Iowa Power Products
Irvine Springs
Isel USA
JACO Machine Works
Jay-Cee Sales & Rivets, Inc.
JG Plastics
JHP Fasteners
John Barry & Associates
Jones Metal Products
Keith Company
Kemac Technology, Inc.
Kenrich Products, Inc.
Keystone Fastening Technologies
Kingbright America LLC
Kleenair Products Co.
Kontec Industrial
Kurt Die Casting
Kurt Machining
Kurt Manufacturing
Kurt Workholding
LC Crane Parts & Service
Le Sueur Incorporated
LeClaire Manufacturing
Lee J. Sackett Inc.
Lily Corporation
Linders Specialty Company
LoCorr Funds
Lomont IMT
LTW Ergonomic Solutions
M&K Metal Co.
MAD Greenhouse Products
Magellan Metals
Magnet Shop
Mahe Medical USA
Maney Wire & Cable
Marin Scientific Development Company
Marketing Masters - Clipnuts
Marver Med
Massload Technologies, Inc.
Mast Enterprises
Maverick Pumps
McIntosh Controls
McWilliams Sales & Service
Metric & Multistandard Components Corp.
Micro Forms, Inc.
Midwest Battery Supply
Miki Pulley
Miller CNC
Miller Supply
Miller Supply Inc.
Minnesota Wire
Miracle Paint
Miracle Paint
Mitrowski Welding
Mobile Mark, Inc.
Modern Press Equipment Corporation
Monico Alloys
MPI Melt Pressure (MPI)
Nabco Industrial Supply
National Aero Stands
National Holiday Lights
National Power Corporation
National Power Equipment, Inc.
NCI, Inc. - North Central Instruments
New Wave Design & Verification
NLC Solutions
Nol-Tec Systems, Inc.
North Central Instruments (NCI)
Northwest Rubber Extruders, Inc.
Novo Precision
NTMA Machinist Career College
Numatic Engineering
Omega Leads, Inc.
OnFilter Inc.
ORR Corporation
Oster Manufacturing Company
P&J Machining, Inc.
Pacific Industrial Supply
Pacific Test and Measurement
Panel Built, Inc.
Paragon Products
Paramount Extrusions
Parylene Conformal Coating
Paschke Plastics
PaulB Hardware
Pelican Wire
Pentz Cast Solutions
Petersen Precision
Pfeiffer Vacuum
Phoenix Enterprises
Phoenix Enterprises / PEMCO
Piela Electric, Inc.
Piping Projects US
Plasma Ruggedized Solutions
Plasti Dip International
Plastics International
Poly Pak Plastics
PolyPak Packaging
Potter Associates Inc.
Precision Molded Plastics
Precision Rings
Precision Solutions, Inc.
Precision Thermal Processing
PRM Filtration
Production Robotics
Progressive Die and Stamping
Protective Packaging Corporation
Proteus Sensors
Pumping Solutions, Inc.
Quail Electronics, Inc.
Quality Air Services
R&M Forge and Fittings
R.P. Luce & Company Inc.
Radiation Protection Products, Inc.
Rainbow Precision Products
Rasco Industries, Inc.
Rathbun Associates
Ray Bar X-Ray Protection
Ray-Bar Engineering Corp.
Raymond West
RC Fasteners & Components
RC Systems
RDL Machine, Inc.
RDS Wire & Cable
Relay Networks, Inc.
Rettig's Industrial Supply
RFC Wire Forms
Richardson Electronics (Rellaser)
Richardson Electronics (Relltubes)
Rio Fasteners
Robert B. Hill Co.
Robson Technologies, Inc.
Roof Repair Toronto
Rosedale Products
Salem Design & Manufacturing, LLC
SC Industrial Sales LLC
Sensor Electronics
Sierra Monitor Corporation
SilentSync/Rainbow Precision Products
Silicon Valley Spring
Simpson Cleaning
Sine-tific Solutions
Siska, Inc.
Skolnik Industries, Inc.
Skolnik Wine
SKS Die Casting and Machining, Inc.
Smart Fog, Inc.
Sneller Creative Promotions
Snowbird Technologies
Solon Manufacturing Co.
South Coast Fasteners, Inc.
Southern Parts & Engineering
Southern Stud Weld
Southwest Plastics
Spectrocell, Inc.
Springer Parts®
Springs Fastener
SPS Ideal Solutions
SR Plastics
Stack Plastics, Inc.
Star Engineering, Inc.
Star Industrial Supplies
Stealth Manufacturing
Stewart Handling
Sun Fast International
Superior Automation
Superior Components, Inc.
Syagrus Systems
Tell Steel
Tempco Manufacturing Company, Inc.
Thermal Spray Technologies, Inc.
Thermetic Products, Inc.
Titan Industrial Heating Systems
TLC Plumbing
Totten Tubes, Inc.
TouchPoint Medical
Trax Surgical
Trevisan Machine Tool
Tri-Sure USA
Tri-Tec Manufacturing
Triad Products Corporation
Trio Fasteners, Inc.
Troy Technologies
True Tool
Tucson Container Corporation
Turner EnviroLogic
U.S. Tool Force
United Industries Group, Inc.
United Partition Systems, Inc.
Universal Power Conversion
Upland Fab
US BioDesign
US Polychemical Corp.
USA Tool Depot
Vaga Industries
Valco Valley Tool & Die, Inc.
Value Fastener
Valves Only
Verduyn Tarps
VPI Technology Group
Wausau Coated Products
West Coast Insulation
Western Electrical Services, Inc.
Western Technologies
Westfalia Technologies
Willrich Precision Instrument Company - Precision Instruments
Wink Global LLC
Wire Cloth Manufacturers
Wohl Associates, Inc.
Y.S. Tech USA
Zero Gravity Filters
Zero-Max, Inc.

Industrial Suppliers

Searching for an industrial supplier to provide the products you need? The Industrial Marketplace offers a broad range of industrial supplier options to meet your inventory requirements. Industrial suppliers and distributors range from fastener companies to pneumatic fitting suppliers, packaging and metal products, components, metal supplies, and everything in between. Find the industrial supply options you need today.


In the market for a manufacturer that supplies the products, parts, or components your business requires? The Industrial Marketplace offers business listings for a broad range of OEMs and industrial manufacturers such as modular cleanroom production, commercial pressure washers, CNC machines, customized buttons, water pumps, software, processing cards, label converters, and much more.

Contract Manufacturers

Looking for a contract manufacturer that can meet your custom specifications? The Industrial Marketplace provides links to custom contract manufacturers in industries such as casting, forging, stamping, machining, coatings, electronic part production, and more. Search and find the contract manufacturer, custom manufacturer or , electronic contract manufacturer that meets your business needs today!