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16520 Baker Parkway #230
Irvine, CA 92618
(949) 756-8494
For an effective, cost-efficient and reliable dust control system; planning, design, installation, operating and maintenance are essential. Dust control systems effectively prevent and reduce the risk of dust explosion and fire, reduce cleaning and maintenance costs, reduce the abrasion especially in components like bearings and pulleys which fine dust particles has serious wearing effects, and much more.
Irvine, CA 92618
(949) 756-8494
State-Of-The-Art Dust Control Systems
ENVEX is serving the global industrial organizations with tailor made High Pressure Single Fluid (Pressurized Water Pulverization) Dust Suppression System and also Double Fluid (Water atomizing with Compressed Air) Dust Suppression System to facilities that are encountering dust problems. Additionally, ENVEX provides atomized water mist spraying together with mobile stationary fog cannons for dust and odor problems in open areas.For an effective, cost-efficient and reliable dust control system; planning, design, installation, operating and maintenance are essential. Dust control systems effectively prevent and reduce the risk of dust explosion and fire, reduce cleaning and maintenance costs, reduce the abrasion especially in components like bearings and pulleys which fine dust particles has serious wearing effects, and much more.
Dust Control Product Options
- Dry Fog (Double Fluid) Dust Suppression System
- Dust Suppression Fog Cannon
- Hydraulic Atomizing Single Fluid Dust
- Suppression System
- Truck Wheels & Chasis Wash Bays