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Choosing a Leak Testing System

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cts blackbelt leak tester

CTS Sentinel BlackBelt Leak Tester[/caption] Gas leaks are not to be taken lightly, so it's important to invest in leak testing systems that deliver reliable, repeatable results. Cincinnati Test Systems offers a range of leak testers. How do you choose the one that's right for you? First, decide what's most important to you:
  1. Footprint - Is space limited in your facility? If so, you'll want a leak testing system that is smaller and takes up less space.
  2. Cost - How much can you afford to spend on leak testing instrumentation?
  3. Capabilities - Do you need more than just sniff testing? Do you need vacuum and pressure decay testing capabilities also? Do you need a leak tester for backfilling and evacuating test parts?
  4. Speed - Do you need results fast?
Decide which of these four criteria is most important to you and lead with it when you make your choice. Cincinnati Test Systems offers leak testers that meet each one. The Sentinel Blackbelt model fits neatly on any workbench, while the Sentinel™ C20WE (World Edition) is a highly cost-effective choice. The Sentinel Blackbelt Pro and TracerMate CS models allow you to perform vacuum/pressure decay tests and backfilling/evacuating (respectively).

Learn more about these leak test instruments by visiting today.