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Electrical Supplies

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Electricians, electrical line workers and other electrical utility workers use electric supplies in their daily work. For the construction of power lines electrical workers use many tools and supplies like hand drills, electrical pipe and electrical wire. For covering underground wire, and streetlight electrical equipment a vault is used. Electricians also use various electrical supplies such as meters for measuring electrical output. For many electrical applications special casing is used like HPDE innerduct to thread electrical wire overhead or underground.

Electrical Supplies Companies

  • Chapman Electric Supply Inc.. Provides electrical supplies such as Quazite vaults and handholes, HPDE innerduct and quality Klein, Ideal and Makita tools.
  • Houston Wire & Cable Company. HWC is a leading provider for all your electrical and electronic cable needs.
  • Condux International. Condux is a leader and innovator in underground and overhead cable installation tools and equipment.
  • PUI is a distributor of electrical supplies and components from high quality manufacturers. They specialize in Passive, Electro-Mechanical, Interconnect and Actives electrical components.
  • Electri-Cord Manufacturing Company designs and manufactures electrical supplies including wiring harnesses, cable assemblies, power cords, box builds, high level assemblies, control panels, and international connectors for many industries globally since 1946.