FieldServer Technologies Introduces KNX Gateway
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18 March 2013—FieldServer Technologies, the major gateway manufacturer for the building automation industry, has introduced the new KNX Gateway. The QuickServer KNX Gateway enables data access from KNX networks to devices and other networks utilizing open and proprietary protocols such as BACnet, Modbus, LonWorks, Metasys N2 by JCI, EtherNet/IP, NDP3, SNMP, and others. With over one hundred protocols available in the extensive FieldServer Driver Library, no other gateway can connect KNX to more products. FieldServer Technologies is a wholly owned division of California-based Sierra Monitor Corporation. FieldServer Technologies designs and markets a broad range of devices that enhance communication between various instruments, systems, machines, and other devices that utilize non-compatible data protocols. FieldServer Technologies’ products, combined with the company’s extensive driver library, make ideal systems packages for achieving complete interoperability. The QuickServer KNX Gateway is a galvanic-isolated translator device on KNX/TP installations with control and monitoring capabilities. All EIS data types are supported, allowing communication with any KNX devices in the installation, such as temperature sensors, shutters, light switches, actuators, alarms, and more. The KNX Gateway allows building automation and industrial automation system to access a KNX network using direct read and write of KNX configured groups. This setup does not require the use of ETS4 to configure the QuickServer KNX gateway.
For more information about FieldServer Technologies, the KNX Gateway, or any of the company’s other advanced products, visit them online at, or call toll free 888-509-1970.