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Industrial Safety Gates

Time to Read: 1m 19s

Safety gates are an important part of any industrial factory, warehouse, or manufacturing facility. Given the potential hazards that such workplaces can present, it is important to provide barriers between staff members and machinery, stairs, loading docks, and other possible danger zones.

Industrial safety gate


Most industrial safety gates are painted in bright colors to help them stand out more from their often drab surroundings. Fluorescent yellow is perhaps the most common—it's often called “safety yellow,” and for good reason—but orange, red, and other hues are frequently used as well. The greater visibility that these bright colors offer gives workers greater awareness of their potentially dangerous surroundings.

Industrial safety gate for unloading dock 

Many industrial safety gate models are “self-closing,” meaning that, once a worker has passed through the gate, a spring or other mechanism pulls it shut automatically. This feature offers two benefits: 1) it prevents the gate from being left open, which would, of course, essentially eliminate its usefulness; and 2) it eliminates the need for staff members to shut the gate, which can, in some instances, be a fairly hazardous undertaking in itself—if a worker is carrying a heavy load, for example, having to turn around to close the gate can greatly increase the chances of an accident. (These gates often are designed to swing open with just a push, making opening them easy and avoiding difficulties there.)

Industrial safety gate around hazardous equipment

As seen above, multiple industrial safety gates can be used to create a fence around hazardous equipment or materials.  This provides an extended safety railing that covers large distances but still offers multiple entry points for convenience.