Plasti Dip International Introduces New “Pearlizer”
Time to Read: 1m 9s
6 December 2012—Plasti Dip International, manufacturer of Plasti Dip synthetic rubber coating and other do-it-yourself home solution products, has announced the creation of another new product, Plasti Dip Pearlizer.
Plasti Dip is a unique product that can be brushed, dipped, or sprayed onto nearly any surface to create a protective, rubbery coating. Plasti Dip is designed to protect coated items from water and moisture, corrosion, abrasion, and mild impact. Plasti Dip Pearlizer is formulated to give dried, cured Plasti Dip a semi-lustrous, pearlescent finish. Plasti Dip International's latest creation is another entry into their “Plasti Dip Enhancers” line, a selection of products that give Plasti Dip's normal matte finish a different look. Also included in the Enhancers series are Gold and Silver Metallizers, which give Plasti Dip a shiny, metallic look, and Glossifier, which imparts a glossy finish. Plasti Dip International has been manufacturing Plasti Dip and other exclusive products, sold under the Performix Brand label, since 1972. The Blaine, Minnesota-based company manufactures numerous products that appeal to homeowners, crafters, automotive enthusiasts, and other DIYers. Their signature product, original Plasti Dip, and others in the Performix line can be found at home improvement centers, hardware stores, and other fine retailers throughout the United States. For more information on Plasti Dip Pearlizer, original Plasti Dip, or any of Plasti Dip International's many products, visit them online at