Plasti Dip International Unveils 3 New “Enhancer” Products
Time to Read: 1m 50s
7 November 2011—Plasti Dip International is pleased to announce the launch of three new products in their Home Solutions product line. These new offerings, known as “Plasti Dip Enhancers,” are designed to complement the performance of the company’s best-selling Plasti Dip specialty rubber coating. Plasti Dip is a unique, do-it-yourself, flexible rubberized coating with nearly endless uses and applications, available in brush-on/dip-on and aerosol varieties. With their new Plasti Dip Enhancers, Plasti Dip International offers three ways to make their original Plasti Dip even better. Plasti Dip is available in a range of colors, as well as a “Create Your Color” Kit that allows users to mix their own custom colors—this color variety has made Plasti Dip popular for decorative and crafting purposes. Enhancers expand on this popularity by giving users the ability to add different finishes to applied, cured Plasti Dip. Plasti Dip Glossifier transforms Plasti Dip’s normal satin finish into a shiny, polished-looking one more akin to the look of high gloss spray paint. Plasti Dip Gold Metalizer and Plasti Dip Silver Metalizer create a shimmering, metallic look that allows the original color of the Plasti Dip to show through. All three Enhancers are specially designed to work with Plasti Dip’s chemical structure for superb, long-lasting performance. Plasti Dip International’s new Enhancers will be available in stores by late-November 2011. Plasti Dip Enhancers will be sold at many of the same home improvement centers, hardware stores, and other retailers where Plasti Dip International’s other products are found. Plasti Dip International manufactures a wide range of coatings, sealants, and adhesives. Based in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, Plasti Dip International has been creating its high quality products since the early 1970s. In addition to original Plasti Dip, the company’s products include Liquid Tape, a brush-on formulation that takes the place of electrical tape, Anything Foam, a repair product for foam cushions and other foam products, and many other one-of-a-kind creations. Plasti Dip International’s products are sold under the Performix brand name, as well as through other partner brands. For more information on Plasti Dip International and their many fine products, visit them online at